Song of Hope, World Band

ENSEMBLE VIVANT and EUTERPE CANADA performers Catherine Wilson, piano, Norman Hathaway, viola, and George Koller, bass (all Opening Day Recording Artists) were honoured to participate in the wonderful world-band initiative performing Peter Meechan’s The Song of Hope in support of renowned trumpet player RYAN ANTHONY in his courageous 8-year battle against cancer.

We believe in the power of music to heal and enrich people’s lives throughout their lives, and that Music is the Key for happier, healthier individuals, communities and nations.

Spearheaded by a group of Los Angeles-based film makers, musicians from all over the world performed Song of Hope alongside Ryan Anthony and his colleagues to create a world band, which as composer Peter Meechan wrote: “is about inclusivity, collaboration, togetherness and uniting in music to give hope to all who hear and see the film.”

Ryan’s formidable fight against cancer ended on June 23, 2020. Throughout his difficult battle, it was music that sustained him and gave him hope and joy.

In Ryan Anthony’s words:

“The power of music to heal is profound.
Regardless of closed doors, music cannot be contained and will ultimately prevail over viruses and cancer. From one generation to the next, we’re giving a gift that will never fail to prosper.
That’s the power of music.
You have to stay true to it
And be respectful to it
Or you don’t understand
The power of healing that it can do.”